Day One:
Mr Greg Postulka, NDIA Gulf Coast Chapter President
PEO Welcome*
Brig Gen Morris, AFLCMC/EB
Keynote Address*
Lt Gen Bunch
Mr Costabile
LM Skunkworks*
Jack O’Banion, Vice President
Education with Industry
Mr. Jason Denney, Director of Long Range Strike Systems, Lockheed Martin
AFPEO for Weapons Perspective
Brig Gen Shaun Morris, AFPEO Weapons and Director, Armament Directorate
Maj Gen Jon Norman, Director, Global Power Programs
SOCOM Perspective*
Mr Hondo Geurts
AFNWC Update
Maj Gen Scott W. Jansson,
ACC/A5/8/9 Update and Armament
Focus Areas
Mr Jim Dunn
Mr Frank Michael
EOD Summary*
Mr Greg Postulka, NDIA Gulf Coast Chapter President |
Day Two:
Industry Panel*
Textron: Brian Sienkiewicz, Boeing: Carl Avila, NG: Mike Meaney, SSCI: Kunal Mehra, RTN: MGen Dave Scott, WNG: Kevin Vance, Odyssey: Randy Nunley
3rd Offset—an Industry Point of View
Frank A. St. John, Vice President Lockheed Martin Tactical Missiles/Combat Maneuver Systems
BAE Marc Falco
Air Armaments: An ISR Perspective
Maj Gen Jim Poss, USAF (ret)
Gen Pawlikowski
AFRL Perspective*
Maj Gen McMurry
Acquisition Reform In a Rear View Mirror
Col David Warnick, Project Manager, Joint Attack Munition Systems, PEO Missiles and Space
Scholarship Winners*
Scholarship Board
Navy Perspective
Capt James Stoneman, Program Manager, Air-to-Air Missile Systems Program
Aging Aircraft and New Weapons
Brig Gen Michael Schmidt, Program Executive Officer, Fighters and Bombers
Heritage Panel*
Generals (Fornell, Chedister, Stutzriem), Mr Wilcox, Mr Hubbard
EOC Summary*
Mr Greg Postulka, NDIA Gulf Coast Chapter President